Sweeteners controversy leaves consumers confused
08 Mar 2024
Important sugar consumption is known to increase the risk of development of obesity and non-communicable diseases such as dental disease. Shoppers are increasingly concerned in red...
Tags: Artificial sweeteners, Consumers, Food Safety, Sugar
France aims to increase the tax on sugary drinks and introduce a tax on added sugars in processed foods
20 Oct 2023
France is pushing on the fight against sugar with two new amendments to the Social Security financing bill, increasing the so-called “soda tax” and introducing a new ta...
High sugar intake associated with higher risk of kidney stones, study says
31 Aug 2023
A new study involving over 28,000 participants published in Frontiers in Nutrition found that high sugar consumption increases the risk of kidney stones. The study used data from...
Tags: health, kidney stones, Sugar
Addressing sugar addiction
17 Apr 2023
Sugar addiction is a serious health issue. It can result in health problems ranging from diabetes and cardiovascular disease to mental health problems such as depression and some e...
New WHO study on sugar-sweetened beverage taxes
05 Apr 2022
A recent WHO European Region study published in March 2022 evaluates the state of play associated with national sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxes across Europe. The ultimate goa...
Recent study sets the research agenda on childhood obesity determinants
02 Dec 2021
Childhood obesity has become a global epidemic and is considered as a major metabolic liability in many countries. The rising concern of this phenomenon is due to its association i...
Tags: cardiovascular diseases, childhood, Obesity, Sugar
Only 1 in 20 of children’s yogurts contain low sugar levels, new Action on Sugar study reveals
31 Aug 2021
SAFE member Action on Sugar recently conducted a study on children’s yoghurts and misleading health claims. Evaluating over 100 children’s yogurts, the study ha...
Tags: Children, food labelling, FOP labelling, Sugar
England’s Public Health body reports on sugar reduction plans
08 Oct 2020
Food companies have only managed a 3% sugar reduction in food products, Public Health England (PHE) reported in a report assessing its voluntary sugar reduction plan from 2015 to 2...
Tags: cardiovascular diseases, NCDs, Obesity, Soft-drinks tax, Sugar, Sugar tax, UK
New US study shows benefits of Sugar tax models
24 Jun 2020
A study published in the Circulation (official journal from the American Heart Association) showed a simulation model of different designs of taxes on sugary drinks (linked to obes...
Tags: cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, NCDs, Obesity, Soft-drinks tax, Sugar, Sugar tax, US
Junk food advertising: WHO calls for legally binding treaty to end ‘predatory commercial practices’
03 Mar 2020
The WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission is proposing a global, legally binding protocol to prevent brands marketing fast foods and sugary drinks to children. Read the full article here...
Tags: Food Policy, health, Sugar
Many food products analysed in the EU market may contribute to unhealthy diets
05 Nov 2019
A recent study of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) reveals that many packaged food products frequently sold in the EU market contain very high levels of sugar, s...
Tags: Children, Fat, Marketing, Obesity, Packaged Food, Salt, Sugar, Unhealthy Diets
Mexico to present new rules to fight against obesity
29 Oct 2019
The Mexican government will soon present new rules which require processed foods containing high levels of sugar, saturated fat, sodium and calories to display warning labels. As o...
Tags: food label, Labelling, Mexico, Obesity, Sugar
Singapore to ban adverts promoting drinks with high sugar content to tackle obesity and diabetes
24 Oct 2019
Singapore will soon become the first country to target aggressive marketing practices as promotion of drinks with high sugar content will be banned from adverts. As diabetes and ob...
EFSA extends its deadline to give an opinion on added sugars
23 Jul 2019
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has delayed the release of its opinion concerning added sugar until 2021. As obesity, type 2 diabete, tooth decay or cardiovascular diseas...
Tags: cardiovascular diseases, diabete, EFSA, Obesity, SAFE, Scientific Opinion, Sugar, tooth decay
WHO Europe highlights high sugar content in baby food and inappropriate industry marketing
15 Jul 2019
Up to 60% of baby foods are incorrectly marketed as suitable for infants under the age of 6 months, according to a new study of the World Health Organisation (WHO) published on 15 ...
Tags: Babies, Children, food label, Labelling, Marketing, Obesity, Sugar
Building momentum: lessons on implementing a robust sugar sweetened beverage tax
20 Jul 2018
This recent report from the World Cancer Research Fund International provides guidance about designing, defending and implementing a robust SSB tax, drawing lessons from countries ...
‘Enormous potential for the nutrition of millions’: Savanna Ingredients develops natural sugar without calories
27 Jun 2018
Germany’s Savanna Ingredients has developed a process to produce allulose – “real sugar without calories” – on a mass scale. The group expects to achieve European...
Tags: EU, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Sugar
Zucchero, la dose giornaliera da non superare
18 Jun 2018
Resistere allo zucchero sarebbe davvero una gran brutta vita, ma gli studi dell’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità, dell’Agenzia Internazionale della ricerca sul cancro e de...
Soft drinks tax is of greatest benefit to poorer households: Lancet
10 Apr 2018
Taxes levied on sweetened drinks and snack foods are of most benefit to the poor in helping to make long-term healthy lifestyle changes, a Lancet study concludes. Read more on Food...
Tags: Consumers, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Obesity, Soft-drinks tax, Sugar
Taxing soda and booze can spark healthy spiral, experts say
05 Apr 2018
According to a new analysis published in The Lancet medical journal, taxing products such as soda, alcohol and tobacco can steer consumers toward healthier choices and avert a ruin...
Tags: Consumers, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Obesity, Soft-drinks tax, Sugar
Big Sugar Versus Your Body
11 Mar 2018
Most of us eat a lot of sugar. We are surrounded by it, and it’s delicious. Unfortunately, sugar also encourages overeating and causes health problems. Research consistently poin...
Tags: Consumers, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Obesity, Sugar
Obesity is a greater threat for millennials than cannabis. It’s absurd
26 Feb 2018
In the UK, seven out of 10 millennials are expected to be “overweight or obese” by their late 30s – compared with an already alarming half of baby-boomers. The well-documen...
In Sweeping War on Obesity, Chile Slays Tony the Tiger
07 Feb 2018
Facing skyrocketing rates of obesity, the Chilean government is waging war on unhealthy foods with a phalanx of marketing restrictions, mandatory packaging redesigns and labeling r...
Tags: Children, Consumers, Food Packaging, Food Safety, Healthy diet, Labelling, Nutrition, Obesity, Sugar
Public consultation: sugars in food
10 Jan 2018
EFSA is seeking feedback on the approach it plans to take for its upcoming assessment of dietary sugars. The aim of the assessment is to establish a cut-off value for intake of “...
Jamie Oliver leads calls to ban energy drink sales to U16s
08 Jan 2018
Read the full article on Food Navigator here....
Tags: Consumers, energy drinks, jamie oliver, Obesity, Sugar
Why sugar and why so much? WHO investigates the food industry’s sweet tooth
07 Dec 2017
It’s the ‘gold standard’ for sweetness, competitors use it and artificial sweeteners aren’t clean label. Unfortunately, there are more incentives to make sugary food in...
Food (labeling) fights
04 Dec 2017
Calorie and ingredient labels for alcohol and labels indicating the amount of fat, salt, sugar and other things in food are at the center of controversy. Read the full article on p...
Tags: Consumers, Food Packaging, Labelling, Palm oil, Sugar
Policymakers push for healthy eating choices at lunchtime
02 Oct 2017
It can be easy to make the wrong food choices during your lunch break. But policymakers are trying to make lunchtime a more satisfying, healthy experience for employees. Read the f...
Tags: Consumers, Food Packaging, Labelling, Obesity, Organic, Sugar
Sugar-restricted diet hits certain cancers harder: Study
20 Jun 2017
A low-sugar diet may affect the speed at which certain cancer cells spread after a study finds some types rely more on sugar as an energy source than others do. Read the full art...
Tags: Sugar
Sugar is described as the new tobacco as doctors say food industry is killing us with overdose of sweetness
04 Apr 2017
Food giants are being told to cut the amount of sugar in their products because it has become the ‘new tobacco’. Doctors and academics say that levels must be reduced by up to ...
Romanian MEP: EU needs food quality agency
13 Mar 2017
Food quality in Western Europe can differ greatly to what Central and Eastern European shops stock on their shelves. S&D group MEP Daciana Sârbu spoke to EURACTIV Romania abou...
Tags: Consumers, European Parliament, Food Safety, Palm oil, Sugar
France enforces ban on unlimited fizzy drinks in crackdown on obesity
07 Mar 2017
Restaurants in France face prosecution starting today if they offer unlimited soda drinks to customers in the latest Gallic crackdown on obesity. France had already slapped a tax ...
EU urges member states to target childhood obesity in schools
27 Feb 2017
Faced with alarming childhood obesity cases, the European Commission is calling on member states to take action in the procurement of healthy food for schools. A report released by...
Tags: Consumers, European Parliament, MEP, Obesity, Sugar
Medical community alarmed by global rise in diabetes cases
15 Dec 2016
The rise of diabetes is causing avoidable deaths and imposing substantial costs on ailing healthcare systems. Alarmed, lawmakers are attempting to improve prevention and get the em...
Paris to tackle obesity with junk food tax
06 Sep 2016
France is raising the tax on all high calorie foods in an attempt to tackle its increasing weight problem. According to the ObEpi-Roche 2012 survey, 32.3% of French citizens are ov...
Obesity on the rise, WHO targets in jeopardy
04 Apr 2016
Obesity is on the rise globally and current trends suggest that health targets are in danger of not being met, according to a new study. EurActiv Germany reports....
ECJ rules against pro-sugar advertising
18 Mar 2016
Should companies such as German firm Dextro Energy be allowed to advertise the sugar content of their products in order to promote physical performance-enhancing qualities? The Eur...
Tags: EU Court of Justice, Sugar
Baby food: “Let’s boot out excess sugar, babies are sweet enough already”
28 Jan 2016
MEPs have forced the European Commission back to the drawing board after rejecting its plans that would have allowed baby food to continue to contain up to three times more sugar t...
Tags: Babies, European Commission, European Parliament, Sugar