Italy: Debates arise after new environment minister’s remarks to reduce meat consumption
18 Mar 2021
In one of his first public speeches, the Italian newly appointed environment minister, Roberto Cingolani, claimed that “the amount of animal protein consumed should be decrea...
Tags: Climate Change, Farm to Fork, Italy, Meat, Meat consumption, sustainability
The pesticide-free town: Sowing the seeds of tomorrow
17 Jul 2018
In 2014 Mals, a small town in the north of Italy, became the first community in the world to ban pesticide use through a referendum. How did these activists triumph over the pestic...
Tags: Agriculture, Environment, Italy, Organic, Pesticides
Le cannucce di plastica permangono nei secoli: 500 anni per distruggersi
02 Jul 2018
Secondo gli studi del centro Enea, oltre l’80% dei rifiuti che invadono i litorali italiani è rappresentato da plastiche, che finiscono poi in mare dove nel corso degli anni div...
Tags: Environment, Food Packaging, Food Safety, Italy, Plastics
Zucchero, la dose giornaliera da non superare
18 Jun 2018
Resistere allo zucchero sarebbe davvero una gran brutta vita, ma gli studi dell’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità, dell’Agenzia Internazionale della ricerca sul cancro e de...
Catena italiana di prodotti sfusi apre negozio a Parigi
06 Jun 2018
“Negozio Leggero”, la catena italiana di prodotti senza imballaggi, sbarca a Parigi. Il 23 giugno apre il primo negozio del franchising nella capitale francese, in zona...
Tags: Environment, Food Packaging, France, Italy
Italian pasta labels test limits of EU law
30 Aug 2017
A dispute over pasta is set to shape the future of the EU’s single market. Unsurprisingly for a battle over spaghetti, it was Italy that fired the first shot. Rome last week pas...
Tags: Consumers, Country of origin, European Commission, Food Packaging, Italy, Labelling
Without correct and complete labelling there is no choice!
14 Nov 2014
On the 11 of November 2014, the Italian Presidency of the EU organized in the European Parliament in Brussels a conference titled “Food safety and quality towards Expo 2015”. S...