The Mediterranean diet helps to live longer
04 Jul 2024
Share this article The Mediterranean diet features foods from countries around the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece, Spain, Italy, and France. This diet is diverse and plant-based...
Tags: Healthy diet, Mediterranean diet, Mortality
New evidence on a potential correlation between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and early death
25 Jan 2022
The term ‘ultra-processed foods’ refers to products that have undergone a substantial amount of industrial processing and whose nutritional labels generally report a long list ...
Tags: Food Additives, Food Safety, Healthy diet, Nutrition, unhealthy food
Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) adopts its INI report on strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer
15 Dec 2021
On December 9th, 2021, the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) adopted its INI report on how to strengthen the EU’s role in fighting cancer. The re...
Tags: BECA, Cancer, European Parliament, Healthy diet, noncommunicable diseases
EU NGOs suggest ways to promote nutrition in the CAP
03 Sep 2020
On Thursday 3 September 2020, 6 European NGOs (including SAFE and EPHA, ECL, EHN, EMSA and EONS) sent an open joint letter to Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski, suggest...
Tags: CAP, Common Agricultural Policy, European Commission, Healthy diet, Joint letter, NGOs, Nutrition, Strategic Plans
New French Roadmap in the Fight against Obesity: Towards More Ambitious Objectives
26 Mar 2019
On 25 March 2019, a French inter-ministerial committee on Health met to formulate target figures regarding the fight against obesity in France, Le Monde.fr reports. By the end of 2...
Tags: childhood, France, Healthy diet, Obesity, teenager
New study finding association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and cancer risk
13 Feb 2019
A large prospective study from NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort further showed a correlation between ultra-processed foods and cancer. A 10% increase in the intake of ultra-pro...
Tags: Cancer, Healthy diet, Nutrition
Coca-Cola funds an Institute to influence obesity policy in China
10 Jan 2019
While obesity rates in China are hitting records, the Coca-Cola Company is putting scientific evidence into Chinese policies to promoto exercise and downplay the role of diets in t...
Tags: Food Safety, Healthy diet, independent research, Obesity, science
A worldwide shift: profiling the alternative meat market
27 Jun 2018
According to recent research from GlobalData, the majority of the world’s population has adopted a diet that features reduced or entirely absent meat consumption. Changing consum...
Tags: Animals, Consumers, Environment, Healthy diet, Meat, Vegan
‘Enormous potential for the nutrition of millions’: Savanna Ingredients develops natural sugar without calories
27 Jun 2018
Germany’s Savanna Ingredients has developed a process to produce allulose – “real sugar without calories” – on a mass scale. The group expects to achieve European...
Tags: EU, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Sugar
Zucchero, la dose giornaliera da non superare
18 Jun 2018
Resistere allo zucchero sarebbe davvero una gran brutta vita, ma gli studi dell’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità, dell’Agenzia Internazionale della ricerca sul cancro e de...
Young people who ‘watch more junk food ads’ consume ‘thousands more calories’
23 May 2018
According to a new study carried out by Cancer Research UK, teenagers who watch an extra junk food advert per week consume an extra 18,000 calories a year. The research will be pre...
Tags: Consumers, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Obesity
Evolved Nutrition Label to be launched in some EU countries
04 May 2018
Mondelēz International, Nestlé, PepsiCo, The Coca-Cola Company and Unilever will start to add the Evolved Nutrition Label (ENL) to products in some EU countries, they announced o...
Tags: Consumers, Food Packaging, Healthy diet, Labelling, Nutrition, Transparency
Soft drinks tax is of greatest benefit to poorer households: Lancet
10 Apr 2018
Taxes levied on sweetened drinks and snack foods are of most benefit to the poor in helping to make long-term healthy lifestyle changes, a Lancet study concludes. Read more on Food...
Tags: Consumers, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Obesity, Soft-drinks tax, Sugar
Taxing soda and booze can spark healthy spiral, experts say
05 Apr 2018
According to a new analysis published in The Lancet medical journal, taxing products such as soda, alcohol and tobacco can steer consumers toward healthier choices and avert a ruin...
Tags: Consumers, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Obesity, Soft-drinks tax, Sugar
Segregating vegetarian food can promote meat consumption
16 Mar 2018
While consumers are being offered more vegetarian meal options, if these choices are segregated it can actually reduce the proportion of people who opt for them, a new study sugges...
Tags: Consumers, Healthy diet, Vegan
Big Sugar Versus Your Body
11 Mar 2018
Most of us eat a lot of sugar. We are surrounded by it, and it’s delicious. Unfortunately, sugar also encourages overeating and causes health problems. Research consistently poin...
Tags: Consumers, Healthy diet, Nutrition, Obesity, Sugar
In Sweeping War on Obesity, Chile Slays Tony the Tiger
07 Feb 2018
Facing skyrocketing rates of obesity, the Chilean government is waging war on unhealthy foods with a phalanx of marketing restrictions, mandatory packaging redesigns and labeling r...
Tags: Children, Consumers, Food Packaging, Food Safety, Healthy diet, Labelling, Nutrition, Obesity, Sugar