Empowering consumer organisations : the Dual Food Quality Conference
08 Jul 2021
The partners of the ECO-Empowering Consumer Organisations project were proud to present the achievements of their EU-project on Dual Food Quality during the final Eu...
Tags: Consumers, dual food quality, European Commission, European Parliament, food label, Food Packaging
Debates go on concerning Front-Of-Pack nutrition labels
11 Jan 2021
The debate about new FOP nutrition labels and the form they should take are evergrowing. In an article published by FoodNavigator, several commentators added more water to the mill...
Tags: food label, FOP labelling, Front-of-Pack nutrition labelling, Labelling, Nutriscore
Children’s nutrition specialists raise concerns regarding Nutri-Score
15 Dec 2020
Dutch consultancy Voedingsjungle, specialising in children’s nutrition, has criticised front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labelling schemes with across-the-board algorithms such a...
Tags: food label, Nutrition, nutrition labelling scheme, unhealthy food
German Scientific Advisory Board recommands using climate labels
26 Aug 2020
The German Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy, Food and Consumer Health Protection(WBAE) has urged the government to introduce mandatory climate labels on food produc...
Tags: Agriculture, Children, food label, Germany, Labelling, Sugar tax
‘Use by’ or ‘best before’? Nestlé signs food waste pact to tackle label confusion on-pack
10 Feb 2020
The UK’s Food and Drink Federation has repeated its pleas that it wants to keep trading ties closely aligned with the EU’s after British prime minister Boris Johnson dismissed ...
Tags: food label, Food Packaging, Food Policy, Food Waste
Mexico to present new rules to fight against obesity
29 Oct 2019
The Mexican government will soon present new rules which require processed foods containing high levels of sugar, saturated fat, sodium and calories to display warning labels. As o...
Tags: food label, Labelling, Mexico, Obesity, Sugar
Study Reveals Inaccurate Labelling Information on Food Products: Consumers Being Misled?
17 Sep 2019
The level of micronutrients in a variety of cornflour products in Mexico is significantly lower than which is stated on the products’ package, according to a recent study carried...
Tags: Consumers Rights, food label, fortification, Labelling, Mexico, Micronutrients
WHO Europe highlights high sugar content in baby food and inappropriate industry marketing
15 Jul 2019
Up to 60% of baby foods are incorrectly marketed as suitable for infants under the age of 6 months, according to a new study of the World Health Organisation (WHO) published on 15 ...
Tags: Babies, Children, food label, Labelling, Marketing, Obesity, Sugar