Joint Letter to MEPs calling for a cross-party consensus on the #BECA report in the plenary vote
04 Feb 2022
SAFE and other 11 organizations (Association of European Cancer Leagues, European Alcohol Policy Alliance, European Chronic Disease Alliance, European Institute of Women’s Health...
Tags: Cancer, Joint letter, MEPs, Prevention
Joint call for the inclusion of whole grain on FOP nutrition labelling
29 Nov 2021
On 29th November 2021, the Whole Grain Iniative (WGI) sent a joint letter to the European Commission’s DG SANTE (Directorate General for Health and Food Safety). The WGI and ...
Tags: European Commission, FOPNL, Front-of-Pack nutrition labelling, Joint letter, whole grain
CSOs call on EP Committees to support an ambitious F2F report
20 Apr 2021
Today, SAFE together with 23 civil society organisation called on the ENVI and AGRI Committees of the European Parliament through a joint letter detailing 10 priorities to support ...
Tags: AGRI Committee, ENVI Committee, European Parliament, F2F strategy, Joint letter, NGOs
NGOs call on the Commission and Council to reject restrictions on the labelling of plant-based products
22 Feb 2021
On 22 February 2021, 21 NGOs including SAFE called on the European Commission and the Council of the European Union to reject the 171th and 72th Amendment of the European Parliamen...
Tags: Dairy, European Commission, european council, Joint letter, NGOs, plant-based
EU NGOs suggest ways to promote nutrition in the CAP
03 Sep 2020
On Thursday 3 September 2020, 6 European NGOs (including SAFE and EPHA, ECL, EHN, EMSA and EONS) sent an open joint letter to Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski, suggest...
Tags: CAP, Common Agricultural Policy, European Commission, Healthy diet, Joint letter, NGOs, Nutrition, Strategic Plans
SAFE signs NGO Joint letter on the French Act on the transparency of information on agricultural and food products
15 Jul 2020
In hope to prohibit the use, for products of plant origin, of names that have been typically associated with meat products and preparations, such as “steak”, “sausage” and ...
Tags: diet, Joint letter, Meat
F2F Strategy: NGOs urge the EC to halve per capita Food Waste at Farm level
09 Jul 2020
Back in May 2020, we welcomed the publication of the European Commission’s Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy for a fair, healthy, and environmentally-friendly food system. In thi...
Tags: European Commission, Farm to Fork, Food Waste, Harvest, Joint letter
NGOs call on the EU Commission to drop GMOs from US trade talks
05 May 2020
On 5 May, SAFE and 73 NGOs sent a letter to EC President von der Leyen to call on the EC to drop GMOs from the EU-US trade deal talks. SAFE would like to once again underline the n...
Tags: European Commission, GMO, Joint letter, NGOs, Trade Deals, US
Joint letter to demand the removal of E171 from the EU list of permitted food additives
06 May 2019
On 3rd May, SAFE and 8 EU NGOs (BEUC, CIEL, ECOS, EEB, FoodWatch International, HEAL, HEJ, WECF) sent a letter supported by 30 national NGOs to Vice-President Jyrki Kaitanen urging...
Tags: E171, European Commission, Food Additives, Joint letter, SAFE