About the fast-track approval of 140 new plastic recycling processes: risks and challenges
07 Sep 2018
Is it safe to use recycled plastic in food and drink packaging? Secretary General Floriana Cimmarusti talked to Euractiv about the risks of a fast-track approval of 140 recycling p...
Tags: Food Safety, plastic, recycled plastic, Recycling, recycling processes, SAFE
Recycled plastics: ‘There will always be a risk’
03 Sep 2018
Until now, companies have stayed away from using recycled plastics in food packaging because of safety concerns. But times are chaning and they seem ready to reconsider their stan...
Plastic packaging fails to reduce food waste, study warns
12 Apr 2018
One of the main advantages of plastic packaging is that it keeps food fresher for longer, reducing food waste. But a new study by NGOs Friends of the Earth Europe and Zero Waste ...
Tags: Environment, Food Packaging, Food Waste, Plastics, Recycling