Study shows the lack of understanding of consumers on food contact materials
15 Apr 2022
German consumer organisation Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (VZBV) conducted a study on German consumers’ perception and knowledge of food packaging and food contact mater...
Tags: FCM, food contact materials, Food Packaging
Microplastic pollution: recent study shows the presence of microplastics in human blood
25 Mar 2022
A pioneering study trying to detect the presence of microplastic pollution in human blood was published this week, showing alarming results. Microplastics were found in t...
Tags: FCM, food contact materials, microplastics
EFSA draft opinion suggests lowering the tolerable Bisphenol A daily intake
22 Dec 2021
In an opinion published in December 2021, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) has re-assessed the risks of bisphenol A (BPA) in food, suggesting to drastically lower the tolerab...
Tags: bisphenol A, BPA, EFSA, FCM, food contact materials
SAFE publishes guidelines for consumers on Food Contact Materials
22 Oct 2021
Researches show the existence of health risks linked to the use of Food Contact Materials (FCMs). New guidelines published by SAFE encompass conclusions from these studies and show...
Tags: Awareness, Consumers, Consumers Rights, FCM, food contact materials
Call for new EU legislation on Food Contact Materials to be based on five key principles
18 Sep 2019
SAFE and 24 NGOs welcome the European Commission’s initiative to evaluate the EU’s food contact material (FCM) legislation in a joint letter. The evaluation, including the furt...
Tags: chemicals, Circular Economy, European Commission, FCM, Transparency
Recycled plastics: ‘There will always be a risk’
03 Sep 2018
Until now, companies have stayed away from using recycled plastics in food packaging because of safety concerns. But times are chaning and they seem ready to reconsider their stan...