Nutrimodule Partners Gather for Transnational Meeting to Advance Nutrition Education in Universities

01 March 2024

The partners of the Nutrimodule initiative convened for a highly productive Transnational Meeting, hosted by SAFE. The meeting, held last February, served as a pivotal moment in the ongoing efforts to emphasise the critical link between health and nutrition in combating Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

During the meeting, representatives from participating universities and organisations engaged in insightful discussions and collaborative sessions aimed at enhancing nutrition education within university curricula. The partners reaffirmed their commitment to addressing the pressing need for comprehensive nutrition education, particularly in academic settings.

The Nutrimodule initiative underscores the importance of equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed dietary choices, ultimately contributing to healthier lifestyles and the prevention of NCDs. Through innovative curriculum development and strategic partnerships, Nutrimodule seeks to empower future generations to prioritize nutrition as a fundamental aspect of overall well-being.

The successful outcome of the Transnational Meeting further solidifies the collaborative efforts of Nutrimodule partners in advancing nutrition education globally. With a shared vision and commitment, the initiative continues to make meaningful progress in promoting healthier lifestyles and combating the rise of NCDs.

For more information about Nutrimodule and its mission, visit Nutrimodule – Undergraduate medical university module in nutrition | Nutrimodule LMS