In an apparent attempt to undermine the growing success of plant-based alternatives to animal products, an amendment was adopted by the Committee on Agriculture (AGRI) of the 8th Legislature on 1st April 2019 within the proposal for a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Regulation establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products (2018/0218 COD). This amendment seeks to ban plant-based products from using names that have typically been associated with meat products and preparations, such as “steak,” “sausage,” and “burger.”
Ten NGOs reacted in an open letter to MEPs of the AGRI & ENVI Committees of the European Parliament to make sure that consumers are not prevented from making informed choices when shopping for food.
Read the open letter here:
English – About the proposal to ban the use of terms such as ‘veggie burger’ in the EU (EN)
Français – A propos de la proposition interdisant l’utilisation des expressions telles que «burger végétarien» ou «burger vegan» au sein de l’UE (FR)
Deutsch – Betreff: Vorschlag zur Einschränkung der Bezeichnungen für pflanzliche Alternativprodukte (DE)
Italiano – Sulla proposta per vietare l’uso di termini come “hamburger vegetariano/vegano” nell’UE (IT)