Meeting on the outcome of the public consultation on “Acrylamide in Food”
25 October 2014
When: 10 December 2014
Where: Brussels
More: Here
In line with EFSA’s policy on openness and transparency, on 1 July 2014 EFSA launched an open consultation on the draft scientific opinion on acrylamide in food developed by the EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM). This is the first full risk assessment of acrylamide in food conducted by EFSA.
EFSA invited the scientific community and stakeholders to submit written comments via EFSA’s website by 15 September 2014.
EFSA has received around 100 comments from interested stakeholders, national authorities and scientific committees, academia as well as individuals. Most comments concern the exposure estimation and the health risk characterisation of acrylamide in food carried out by the CONTAM Panel. Some comments refer to mitigation measures.
To complete the public consultation process and to ensure a full understanding of the comments received during the consultation phase, EFSA is holding a public scientific meeting to discuss the results of the online consultation phase with all the contributing stakeholders and other relevant parties. The CONTAM Panel will review the results of the entire process prior to adoption of the final output in the first half of 2015.